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Digital Accessibility

Why Digital Accessibility Should Be Part of Your Brand

Digital accessibility involves removing barriers that prevent people with disabilities from interacting with or accessing websites, digital tools, and technologies. And despite 15% of the population or about one billion people, having some form of disability, many brands treat digital accessibility as an afterthought. On the contrary, businesses should consider it their social responsibility to maintain accessibility standards for disabled people in the digital age. And digital accessibility, comprising of web accessibility and mobile accessibility, should be more than meeting legal requirements. It should revolve around designing websites, tools, and technologies to provide disabled users with a positive experience!

What is a brand, and what does digital accessibility do with it?

Your brand is your name, color, logo, message, or anything that makes your product, company, or business unique from others. And you define your brand based on your company’s mission, customers’ needs, your USP, and your strengths. It is what you want people to associate with your organization when they think of you and your company. So by creating accessible web experiences, you welcome disabled users to share your products and services. Here are a few more reasons for including digital accessibility as part of your brand:

1. Eliminate the risks of facing a lawsuit
2. Helps with your branding
3. Your reputation is at stake
4. Improved recruitment options
5. Employee retention
6. People’s rights
7. More customers
8. Creates a positive brand image and brand loyalty
9. Web content accessibility guidelines overlap with SEO
10. The disabled are no longer a minority
11. Does not affect website aesthetics
12. Just the right thing to do

How to start incorporating accessibility into your brand strategy

Accessibility is essential for a company because it benefits not only disabled users but also your brand and company. It can strengthen your brand by helping you reach a broader audience. Here are some tips to help you start with online accessibility:

1. Strategic planning and implementation
2. Study inclusive design or work with specialists
3. Have people with disabilities periodically test accessibility features
4. Prepare an accessibility statement
5. Let people know about your commitment to accessibility

We at ADASiteCompliance are the #1 place for ADA websites and are committed to helping you achieve digital compliance through accessibility!
Digital Accessibility

Digital Accessibility

Why is digital accessibility important for business?


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