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Celestial Garden with Thomas Brown

The Celestial Garden & The Enchanted Garden

“An enchanted garden intersects physical and psychological realms, it radiates magic, mystery and a fragile hope. It is a place where night meets day and death meets life. Flowers erupt from a perished landscape in defiance of a curse that has been dispelled. There is hope, but malevolence is not long since gone. Plentiful in culture, these scenes often serve as visual metaphors that connect to deeper psychological experiences. 

The Celestial Garden is one that reveals itself to those who are truly looking, bathed in a mystic extra-sensory glow. It is an other-worldly place filled with untamed natural wonder that inspires awe as well as apprehension. There is much to be learnt and much we will never truly understand.”

Thomas Brown

As always with Thomas Brown’s work, almost all the elements are constructed in close collaboration with the setbuilder, to achieve the idea in reality using minimal post-production.

 Recom Farmhouse in London subtly perfected the images, retaining the unique visual quality that this approach gives to his work.

Photographer: Thomas Brown
Retouching: Kate Brown / Recom  Farmhouse London
Set: Paulina Piipponen

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Celestial Garden with Thomas Brown
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Celestial Garden with Thomas Brown

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