Outlook Traveller is a monthly magazine from the stable of Outlook Publishing India Pvt. Ltd, and a significant magazine aimed at the travel reader. It has introduced readers to the wonders of unknown destinations while also encouraging travellers to take a fresh look at familiar places.
Tossed away visuals, lacks contrast in elements, all the elements in the layout are of equal weight and area, this reduces the attention to detail, also lacks a flow of information. Lacks visual heirarchy.
The content page lacks categorization of information and heirarchy.
A flexible LCM division grid is used, to give the fixed framework and versatile layouts for different kinds of content. In case of rows, the equal in division, 12 rows and 12 columns are used for the proposed layout. The gutter space is 4mm.
The content page guides the user into the magazine. The information in the magazine categorizes into letters, regulars and featured articles. The redesigned content page helps navigation by categorization of information into regulars and features along with a colour code to direct the eye moment.
Outlook Traveller

Outlook Traveller

A classroom project to analyse an existing magazine and pitch a redesign for it. Duration of this week was three weeks.
