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Fruit Packaging|peach avocadograpefruit

Packaging interactive structure innovation We divided the top of the basket into three layers.
 The first layer: "Scene packaging, restore the original orchard" Put an ecological picture on the packaging.
 At the same time, deep into the user experience, Display the ripeness and sweetness of the fruit on the cover 
The second layer: Fruit section illustration design + brand culture After opening the second layer of packaging, a set of ICONS is laid out: "Selenium rich soil, "Fruit of my feelings
The third layer: The brand slogan. Strengthen the geographical attributes, so that the good quality of the fruit is obvious. Three-layer packaging opening design, layer by layer, Let the customer eat the fruit before, first understand the product core.
Fruit Packaging|peach avocadograpefruit


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Fruit Packaging|peach avocadograpefruit
