Communicate the values ofAwards
Give it an emotional and personal flavour
Duration: 2 Minutes
High production value (good for broadcast)
Make it easy to understand for everyone
We propose a treatment that uses an enlightening interplay between emotive messages and reactive imagery to engage the audience and deliver a powerful visual journey. It starts with a common human truth about giving, before exploring what it is that makes the awards recipients shine brighter – their innate Goodness – and the effect they have on society.   
Black screen / What does it takes to be good?
They start to sparkle /
To bring wonder into this world?
It’s not complicated
but it is difficult.
Tiny lights/stars appear. / To bring light into others’ lives?
Stars shooting in all directions / We’re all in in a hurry
Stars like juggling balls / Juggling our own lives
Stars drift around like bubbles / Drifting along, in our own bubbles
Stars form a thought bubble… / We all think about helping others
…the dots evaporate or blow away / But our thoughts rarely form actions
Small stars re-appear / Some people are different
They grow in size…  / Because these people make a difference
and glow. / They shine brighter, and dedicate their lives to change
They slowly form a smile / Transforming despair into hope, and hope into joy
The smile straightens and twists, disappearing into the distance in a straight line. / Their giving knows no limits
They explode like fireworks… / Energy?
And form a butterfly / Tenderness?
The line develops waves and turns horizontally on the screen so it’s just a line with waves moving along it / Whatever it is, it’s powerful
The waves get bigger / It builds momentum
It becomes like an ‘audio wave’ with high volume / Their generosity reverberates around communities, They show us what can be done
The dots break apart and in a formation and twinkle in bright rainbow colours/shimmering gold. / how new possibilities can emerge
They hit the ‘side’ of the screen until the screen expands / how barriers can be broken down.
The gold lights now slowly start to migrate towards a central point, joining together in a swirling, seething ‘catalyst-like’ motion… / Until something magical happens, Others join in
As more and more dots join in, the catalyst spreads out, taking over the black. / It’s a catalyst of caring, that touches whole societies
Eventually the whole screen becomes golden and bright / Until the world is a much brighter place
We fade to a swirling infinity symbol (which is actually the Awards logo on its side) /
This is their legacy.
Their goodness knows no limits.
The infinity sign now turns upright, revealing the Awards logo /
This night.
Is dedicated to those
who shine bright
Visual poetry

Visual poetry

To create a concept of an opening AV sequence to highlight the core values of a brand with visual metaphors.
