Profil Yung Hsin Hsu

2D Animation 《雨雨》 Brace for Rain

《我們淋過的那場雨》Brace for Rain    2022.   06'35
It’s a true story about my friend and I. 

Yung and Aurora are such good friend. They had known each other since senior high school. Owing to Aurora, coward Yung eventually becomes much more confident. Aurora, who was brave and confident, has been accompanied with Yung to achieve her goals. However, one day when Yung needs to be reliable as she can’t rely on her best friend anymore, what would she do?

2022 Bang Awards Film Festival - Best Online Film / Special Mentions Awards
2022 Lift-Off Network Official Selection 
2D Animation 《雨雨》 Brace for Rain


2D Animation 《雨雨》 Brace for Rain
