Jonathan Orrell's profile

Latent Space & Images - TBF folio 1

In many respects, those with chronic illnesses suffer in more ways than one. In addition to the ailments of their given condition, those who suffer from these issues tend to face the added complication of finding themselves without the capacity to carve out a 'productive' life in the way a capitalist society evaluates one. With the advent of artificial intelligence that has made its way into many areas of our culture, many now find themselves very much at odds with not only the competition this new technology proposes, but also the interpretation machines render onto the human experience. Algorithms are by their very nature an evaluation of subtlety and complexion, distilled into a common denomination. Where technology's purpose was once to aid the collectives desire to better their world and adapt it to their nature, we are moving into a world where technology has the responsibility to autonomously contribute to the system that runs our lives. While on many levels this is beginning to outperform some of the greatest minds and deliver manual labour with minimal turbulence, what purpose does this serve for those who face daily tasks with barriers already in place by their own bodies. Is symbiosis truly achievable between a technology that is designed to replicate and ultimately replace in a society driven on capital and growth?
Latent Space & Images - TBF folio 1

Latent Space & Images - TBF folio 1
