The personal branding reflects the studio minimalism. A style distinguished by pure and clean lines, and, at the same time, by the research of effectiveness.

To conduct an accurate and objective analysis, it has been used a questionary of 120 questions based on the Five-Factor Model of Personality (McCrae & Costa, 1987). Based on this first analysis it has been possible to identify two archetypes: The Creator and The Entertainer based on Hartwell & Chen, 2012. 

The Creator: has a very developed aesthetic, he seeks to discover new horizons and to gather new skills. He has a developed lateral thinking. Creativity and imagination are his two main characteristics. He strives hard to achieve his goals and he creates to make meaning. People don’t understand how fragile the creator’s self-confidence can be. He fears people judgement and failure and he has a tendency to depression. From a visual point of view is usually represented by blue and black, geometric shapes, grids and minimalism.

The Entertainer: loves to stay in the crowd and to emerge from it thanks to his savoir faire and playfulness. He is adaptable, observant and intuitive. He seeks to provoke emotions in the audience. Visually is represented by strong contrasts and by an eccentric touch.


The research has been focussed on the market, in particular on customers through the use of Buyer Personas and Empathy Map, and on competitors. Also has been conducted a SWOT Analysis.
Founder's first name is Gaia. The etymology is Greek: Γαῖα was the mother of all Gods, personification of the earth as source of life. Therefore the name is very appropriate considering the attention we have for eco-social issues. Visually is very short and, therefore, adaptable to multiple situations.
The logo has been created by starting from the Greek pictograms. Lines have been simplified and the accent has been flipped. The logo can be slightly changed depending on the specific project without loosing its consistency. In addition it has been created a set of emoticon starting from each letter pictogram combined in several ways.
Colors are black and white. This allows to add some color accent if needed and to continuously feed our creativity. The typography used is Helvetica.
Self Branding
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Self Branding

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