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What are the warning signs of sleep apnea?

What are the warning signs of sleep apnea?
What is sleep apnea?
When a patient's breathing patterns are altered during sleep, it can be due to sleep apnea. During sleep, there are either brief pauses in breathing or intervals of shallow breathing. Due to breathlessness, this ailment frequently causes loud snoring, choking, and gasping for air sleep. This may affect a child's academic performance or lead to hyperactivity
Deep sleep and sleep apnea are not the same things. You can have this medical condition even though you get enough amount of sleep during the night. You still feel tired and snore even after deep sleep. 

What are the types of sleep apnea? 
Sleep apnea can be categorized in two forms i.e., central sleep apnea (CSA), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), or a combination of both. 
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can be characterized by obstruction in breathing patterns during sleep. It affects the upper airway resulting in low levels of Oxygen in the blood along with disruption of sleep. The major risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea is death. Lack of oxygen can result in sudden tissue death in the heart resulting in cardiac arrest or stroke.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)
Central sleep apnea (CSA) can be characterized by diminishing or absent breathing during sleep. The breathing pauses for 10 to 30 seconds recurrently in frequency. Blood oxygen reduces resulting body instability and breathing irregularity in sleep. Stroke, lesions in the structural brainstem, and brain tumors are some major risk factors for being under Central Sleep Apnea condition.

What causes sleep apnea to occur?
Sleep apnea can be caused due to various reasons and many times this condition goes undiagnosed. Causes of sleep apnea include: 
Patients who are overweight and obese have the risk of developing this problem as the fat gets deposited in the upper respiratory tract leading to the narrowing of the airway passage. 
Individuals with narrow or broader necks from birth have more tissues around their airways which makes it difficult for air to pass properly squeezing down your throat and lungs with forceful breathing resulting in snores and wheezing during sleep.
Circumference of the neck is huge (more than 16/17 inches) 
Enlarged tonsils and adenoids block the airway and breathing gets obstructed during sleep
Reflux in the gastroesophageal part or we can say acid refluxes at night can cause spasms of throat muscles blocking the airway and leading to sleep apnea.
The upper jaw is narrow
Congestion in the nose results in changes in airflow pathologically causing sleep to get disrupted due to obstruction of sleep.
Allergies create nasal congestion which leads to sleep apnea
A receding chin causes the tongue to fall backward which leads to sleep apnea because it blocks the airway
Shortened airways 
Aging causes changes in natural sleep architecture resulting in sleep apnea as the chances of upper airway collapse get higher with age
An enlarged tongue can lead to snoring making you prone to sleep apnea
Family history
Use of drugs and alcohol
Can insomnia cause sleep apnea?
Sleep Apnea and Insomnia are two separate sleeping disorders but some patients go through both conditions simultaneously. For patients who are going through this combination of sleep apnea and insomnia, it is said that sleep apnea causes insomnia. 

Can drugs cause sleep apnea?
Medications that include substances like benzodiazepines, barbiturates, antihistamines, and opiates do affect the breathing cycle of the body. It increases the risk of getting sleep apnea and this condition may worsen if time is ignored.

What are the warning signs of sleep apnea? 
Sleep Apnea can be fatal this condition results in Sleep Apnea also leads to bacterial growth in gums during sleep which can cause gums to plaque and bleeding from the mouth during sleep. Other signs of sleep apnea that you need to keep in mind are as follows:
Excessive and loud snoring
Other people report your disrupted breathing during sleep
Gasping heavily during sleep for air
Waking up with a dry mouth 
Experience headaches in the morning
Insomnia (unable to fall/stay asleep)
Hypersomnia (excessive sleeping especially on days)
Inattentiveness when you're awake
Irritation or a constant state of annoyance

What are the treatments for sleep apnea?
Treatment options for sleep apnea are numerous. Both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA) have unique treatment modalities. The doctor typically begins behavioral therapy to treat sleep apnea by providing sleeping tablets, advising against drinking alcohol, and suggesting sedatives that assist in relaxing the muscles in the throat and aid in breathing normally while you sleep.
Various techniques, including treatments and, if necessary, surgery, can assist clear obstructed airways while you're sleeping.
Therapies include: 
Oxygen supply
Adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV)
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
Oral appliances.
Treatment-related medical problems
Surgeries include:
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty- Tissue removal at the rear area of your mouth and back of your throat
Polyester or plastic material soft rod implanted into the soft palate 
Inserting nerve stimulation to control tongue movement
Radiofrequency ablation- Shrinking tissue in the rear area of your mouth and back of your throat
Repositioning your jaw forward 
Weight loss surgery 
enlarged tonsils or adenoids removal
Can lack of sleep cause breathing problems due to sleep apnea?
Sleep Apnea leads to severe sleep deprivation issues and breathing problems. Sleep apnea causes throat muscle collapse along with airway obstruction during sleep leading to gasping for air and choking due to lack of oxygen.

When a patient's breathing patterns alters a lot during sleep, it can be due to sleep apnea. Due to breathlessness, this ailment frequently causes loud snoring, choking, and gasping for air sleep. This may affect a child's academic performance or lead to hyperactivity. Sleep apnea can be categorized in two forms i.e., central sleep apnea (CSA), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), or a combination of both. Sleep Apnea and Insomnia are two separate sleeping disorders but some patients go through both conditions simultaneously. 
Substances like Benzodiazepines, barbiturates, antihistamines, and opiates increase the risk of getting sleep apnea and this condition may worsen if time is ignored. Sleep Apnea can be fatal this condition results in Sleep Apnea. Moreover, Sleep Apnea leads to severe sleep deprivation issues and breathing problems. treatment options for sleep apnea are numerous. Both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA) have unique treatment modalities. Various techniques, including treatments and, if necessary, surgery, can assist clear obstructed airways while you're sleeping.

What are the warning signs of sleep apnea?

What are the warning signs of sleep apnea?



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