West Coast 2022
During the sweet summer of 2022, my friends Mack, Kyler & myself decided to road trip down the Oregon coast to see the red woods, the sand dunes, and those California waves, here are the results...
After surfing and setting up camp we set our eyes on a stunning sunset & stars.
The yurt life is the best life.
On our way down we stopped to take a look at the coast line when a whale surprised us with a show! We named him Kevin. Keep swimming Kevin, keep swimming.
Eventually we made it to the sand dunes and they were way crazier then we anticipated! We pulled up and the sand was covered in a thick layer of fog making for a pretty neat and unique experience!
It hard to capture the sheer size of the red wood trees, let's just say you couldn't see the tops of them...
Gold Bluffs beach California
Crater Lake Oregon
It was a pretty sick trip, thanks boys for all the great memories, see ya at our next adventure!
- David :D
West Coast 2022

West Coast 2022
