Shaylin Adams's profile

The Persuasive Posters

'Go outside'
110gsm kraft brown art pad
6b pencil
This task was by far the hardest out of the four and the one I struggled with the most. Firstly, picking a cause that I believe in was hard because I keep an open mind about everything. I went with encouraging people to "Go Outside", as it's one of my goals to get out into nature at least once a month for the day. To breath in the fresh air, feel the sun on your eyelids and the salt water on your skin. I believe young people are either too stressed or two bored to be able to go out on a adventure and I believe it would increase their mental health immensely if they went outside. 

I came up with three sketches: two evoke a negative enforcement and one evokes positive enforcement. 

I struggled rendering the final poster because I'm not confident in my Illustrator skills to make objects from scratch. In my professional career, if I needed a digital element I could collect royalty free assets online but in this assignment, I couldn't do that. 
The Persuasive Posters

The Persuasive Posters
