Jordan Rae Smith's profile

Infographic Design: USA State Allergy Capitals 2013

Infographic Design: USA State Allergy Capitals 2013
Idea: I have had allergies my whole life, but I was never just handed a packet of information about them. I had to guess how they would effect me, and take any kind of medicine I possibly could. I’m one of the 10% of people in the USA who have severe allergies. There are not a lot of maps that are allergy related out there on the web. The ones that are out there aren’t helpful or even nice looking at all. The information given doesn’t have depth, making most allergy-related maps overlooked. I decided to use the data in a more informational and organized way. 
Designed: Typefaces: Frutigar & Myriad Pro
Medium: CS6

client: CCA Personal Project
Please Note: This poster is quite large and made for online zooming or in person purposes only. The file was too large to upload so, the zoom-ins are the best I have. 
I won't lie. Coming up with this typographic system to show which city, what the number was on allergy factor counts, and the color relying on the type of area the city is in would have to be one of my proudest moments as a graphic designer. I feel like it's one of my most polished works with typography (because you know type and I like to butt heads.) I'm just happy with it. 
I thought using asterics was a good, unique and simple way to fill in some places that would otherwise be too clustered. 
You Do Not, And I Repeat DO NOT, Want To Live Here With Extreme Allergies. 
The caption says: 
There is no place safe from allergies in America, and some cities are more troublesome than others. This fall could be a perfect storm for allergy sufferers, as global weather conditions boost ragweed levels, and fall storms and tornadoes disperse allergens and outdoor mold, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). The cities of the U.S. have been ranked according to how challenging they are to live in for people with allergies. AAFA encourages the approximately 40 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies to learn more and consult an allergy specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment of seasonal allergy symptoms. Recent studies suggest that rising temperatures and carbon dioxide levels could be extending ragweed season by as much as a month or more.1, 2 This is especially true in the northern states in the U.S. where there are now longer periods of warm weather than before.
For more information on allergy capitals and general allergy information please visit: and Thank you!
Infographic Design: USA State Allergy Capitals 2013

Infographic Design: USA State Allergy Capitals 2013

I have had allergies my whole life, but I was never just handed a packet of information about them. I had to guess how they would effect me, and Read More
