Kiran Batool 的個人檔案

Use of Modifier 59 and Denials Management

Use of Modifier 59 and Denials Management

A modifier should never be applied to increase reimbursement or to receive payment for an operation that would otherwise be packaged with another code. Modifier 59 identifies a distinct procedural service and is used to distinguish solutions and processes that are not generally recorded in the same report. It should be used, when coding for a particular session, a different treatment or surgery, another site or organ system, a separate incision/excision, a separate lesion (non-contiguous lesions in different anatomic parts of the same organ), or separate damage. Modifier 59 should only be used on Evaluation and Management Codes when no other modifier is applicable.

Use of Modifier 59 and Denials Management

Use of Modifier 59 and Denials Management

