Profilo di Alper Yesiltas

As If Nothing Happened

I am Alper Yesiltas, a lawyer and photographer living in Istanbul, Turkey. I’ve been imagining scenes and capturing memories for about 19 years now. During that time, some of my photos are edited worldwide in books, magazines, exhibitions, web sites and were awarded in several photo contests.

I would like to share with you the first collection of images of my AI-based project called “As if nothing happened”. Behind this project lies the question of “how would people look photorealistically if some big events had not happened to them”. I look forward to your feedback and suggestions.
Wish he hadn't faced vitiligo.
Wish he hadn't been in New York that day.
Wish he hadn't got that disease.
Wish he hadn't been involved in that event that would cause him to face the mafia.
Wish he hadn't taken that painkiller that day.
Wish he hadn't been affected by the exhaustion of his role.
Wish he decided to live a life where he paid more attention to his heart health.
Wish she hadn't sought the inspiration she needed elsewhere.
Wish he hadn't sought the inspiration he needed elsewhere.
Wish he had decided to stay.
(Don't wish) she hadn't decided to become an icon.
As If Nothing Happened


As If Nothing Happened
