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How to Make a Leather Keychain

How to Make a Leather Keychain
Adding a leather keychain to your set of keys is a great way to add a touch of style and personality while keeping them organized. To make your own leather keychain, you'll need a few things to start.
First, you'll need some leather. You can find this at most craft stores or even online. Once you have your leather, cut it into strips that are about an inch wide and as long as you want your keychain to be. Next, take one strip and fold it in half lengthwise.
Now take your other strip and thread it through the loop you created. Continue doing this until all of the strips are threaded through. Tick the ends in a knot and trim any excess leather.
Why leather keychains are great
If you've been considering getting yourself a new leather keychain, you're in the right place. We'll examine what makes these small accessories tremendous and why they're worth your time. First, let's go over a keychain and why you might want one. A keychain is nothing more than a small piece of leather attached to your keys. Essentially, it's just a way to keep your keys organized and in order.
Materials needed
Here's a list of materials that you'll need to make your leather keychain:
• Leather strips
• Keychain attachment
• Chain
• Metal clips
• Tools needed
When making a leather keychain, you won't need much in the way of tools. You'll need some basic tools to get the job done right.
Step 1: Cut the leather strip
If you're making a keychain, the first thing that you'll need to do is cut your leather strips. I recommend using about two feet (60 cm) of each type of leather, but you can use more or less depending on your preference.
Step 2: Add a key ring
You need to add a key ring to your leather strip. You can either do this by hand or with pliers. The one I used is attached to the strap using two metal clips, which helps keep it in place during the dying process.
Step 3: Punch holes
Punch holes in your leather strips. You can use a hole punch, but the one that I used was a simple press-and-twist tool. This is the same type of tool that you might use to make hanging cards for your business. You must place the leather on a hard surface and press it down onto the tool. I recommend putting a piece of cardboard or something similar under the leather, so you don't damage your table.
Step 4: Stitch it up
You can stitch the leather by hand or use a sewing machine. I used a sewing machine, and it worked great, but it took some time to do this step. With a machine, you can create long stitches that will hold your leather together well. If you choose to sew it by hand, I recommend using a heavier thread that will hold up well with the leather.

How to Make a Leather Keychain

How to Make a Leather Keychain


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