Profil von David Shorenstein

Manhattan’s Affordability for Renters

David Shorenstein | Manhattan’s Affordability for Renters
Living in the borough of Manhattan is a dream for millions of people. Whether they do it for part of their lives or live there forever, there is a certain status that comes with living in Manhattan that is unparalleled across the nation, or even around the world. Living in any of the other boroughs also has a level of prestige that comes with it, but nothing carries the “wow” factor quite like Manhattan.

Then again, that prestige comes at a high price in terms of cost of living. Nowhere is this more evident than in housing costs. Renters pay a high price for it, which is why so many are always wondering what parts of the island are cheapest for renters.

Manhattan’s Affordability for Renters

Manhattan’s Affordability for Renters

