Profil von Romain Brunas

Lost in the fog

Digitale Kunst
Lost In the fog
"Lost in the fog" is a series of 3 illustrations of a personal project that is a metaphor of the creative process of a graphic designer in Architecture. A bit of a humble tribute to this profession. Architectural renderings in fog have always fascinated me, and I find this kind of visual to be a beautiful allegory. The suggestion of an architecture by revealing it partially... Leaving the imagination to finalize the rest of the project...
As often is my state of mind before starting a project. For the architecture I worked with raw 3D volumes inspired by the project "The Line" to create a precise composition of what I want. Then I came to mix Midjourney renderings in my project which is integrated in an environment created under matte painting.
Lost in the fog #1
Lost in the fog #2
Lost in the fog #3
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Another old personnal projects inspired by the mist...
This is a personnal project about a ryokan in front of a japan lake.
This work was inspirated by Kengo Kuma's architecture.
Made with Lightwave and Photoshop...
During my last travel in Japan, my favorite place was Takayama. In memories of this travel, I decide to make an image of a whiskey factory in this place.
All the environement was composed on photohop, and le building made and render on Lightwave 2020.
The real Santa Claus house
Inspired by the work of Yong Yang Liang and the minimalist Sumi-e and far from the sweetened illustrations of the christmas period, I wanted to make a small counterpole by proposing an illustration almost monochrome sobrely entitled "The real house of Santa Claus in the north pole"...
Photoshop x Lightwave
House in the field
An house lost in the fog...
2 hours matte painting on Photoshop only.
Thanks for watching !
Lost in the fog

Projekt erstellt für

Lost in the fog
