nico Meredith's profile

GRiZ Album Covers

GRiZ Album Cover
About This Project

In this project I wanted to express my type of artistic style, so I ended up choosing an artist that makes music that resembles my art style. I chose GRiZ, and EDM artist, to recreate some album covers, the albums I chose were Bangers, No Bad Trip, Voodoo, and Ice cream. I kept a little of the original formatting of the album for the letters but came up with a new template with a consistent theme of EDM music and extreme design and still have unique designs between each album by having interchangeable images and patterns so I could create more when more music is released.​​​​​​​
The Process 

When making the my album covers I wanted to keep in mind that as a designer I want to make designs quickly but with great quality, so when I started this project i made sure to not have destructive techniques for my designs and made layers that could be individually modified without changing the rest of the design. I kept the styling location of the name and kept the artist’s theme but made it my own style. For the main subject of the piece I used an image that most resembled the name and added adjustments that made it black and white the added color of the album I was working on, I added multiple images of rugged pieces for the grungy texture and applied the color that was used for the theme.​​​​​​​
GRiZ Album Covers

GRiZ Album Covers
