The game paradigm shift is played in two phases, the first being a competitive phase where players are encouraged to establish a consumerist society by building companies, and the second a co-operative phase where players must come together to prevent environmental disaster triggered by their actions in the first phase and welcome a new paradigm of deep ecology, respecting nature and acknowledging humans as a part of a larger ecosystem as opposed to the current anthropocentric paradigm that condones consumerism by viewing humans as the pinnacle of evolution and the environment as a set of resources to exploit. The game aims to instruct players that a shift in the dominant paradigm is necessary for a sustainable future.
Phase one leads the player to believe that the win state is each player setting up a company (such as laptops) in their corner by laying down industries of resources (thermonuclear power and steel) in the tiles adjacent to their corner. Completing a set of three resource industries fully exploits a resource and completing two sets sets up the company, making the player the first winner. Since players are sharing resource tiles with adjacent players, they must employ strategy to ensure their required resource is being built. They can play action cards to manipulate resource placement. Each player has three actions on their turn. Laying down a resource, playing an action card, putting down a company, swapping a company card or resource card for a random replacement from the deck all count as actions.

After all players have set up their industries, there occurs a paradigm shift and the second phase begins. Players must replace all the company and resource cards on the board with phase 2 cards. The game now shifts to a co-operative mode where players must now prevent a cataclysmic event due to environmental degradation which will occur at the end of set rounds, the number being decided by the difficulty level. The phase two cards describe environmental disasters that took place as a consequence of industrialisation and action cards to be played to
undo its effects and flip the card over. The flipside reveals an environmentally sustainable aspect of society replacing the consumerist paradigm. In this phase players must trade, discuss, help and cooperate with each other to collectively save the world before time runs out. Each round the players must undo at least one disaster or through a random (8-sided) dice roll determine which disaster is permanent. Random events will also hinder the players progress and add difficulty to the game. The end board can be all utopian or semi apocalyptic based on the progress showing how many disaster cards and utopia cards.




On the reverse side of the Disaster Cards

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift
