Nazarius Shore's profileMisha Lukashuk's profile



Design - Nazarius Shore
Project Area - 89m²
Project Year - 2022
Location - Lviv, Ukraine
Photo credits - Misha Lukashuk

The color palette of this project takes its inspiration from the work of the 
Ukrainian avant-garde painter- Kazimir Malevich, hence the origin of the title of the project.
Suprematism is the final break between painting and the depiction of the real world, it is the primacy of pure feeling in creativity.
According to the artist, all efforts in art should be focused on color, form, texture, movement, and most importantly, on a feeling that is unique and separate from the environment in which it is evoked. 
That is why pure colors and textures were laid in this interior, among which red is emotionally dominant.

"When the habit of seeing corners of nature, Madonnas and shameless Venuses in paintings disappears, only then will we see a purely painterly work- the artist wrote in one of his manifestos.


