UX Case Study: Grammarly App Redesign

Project Name: Grammarly App Redesign
My Role: Designer, Researcher, Writer
Tools: Figma


What is Grammarly?

Grammarly is a free grammar assistance tool that checks grammar, spelling, plagiarism, and more in real-time on both an app and a browser extension.

Problem Statement

To identify the key problems to address in the Grammarly website redesign, I conducted research by analyzing Google reviews and applying the "4 W's" approach—Who, What, Where, Why.


Users struggle with recovering deleted documents quickly, leading to late submissions of assignments and documents.


Create an archive and a bin where documents can stay for 30 days before permanent deletion.

Problem Statement

The absence of a timely document recovery feature on the platform results in late submissions, affecting students' academic performance. Users will benefit from this solution by having a safety net for their documents and the ability to see real-time changes.

Challenges and Opportunities

- Color Vision Deficiency (CVD): Addressing color blindness by conducting a survey during sign-up to customize themes for users with CVD.

- Export Function: Adding an export function for web use.

- Real-Time Suggested Changes: Implementing a feature similar to Google Docs for suggested changes.

- Plagiarism Check: Introducing plagiarism checks in the 2021/22 desktop version.

- Multi-Language Support: Supporting different languages.

- Grammar Classroom: Creating a dedicated space for grammar learning.

- Version Control: Allowing users to see before-and-after changes.

- Collaboration: Adding collaboration features and optimizing loading times for large documents.

- Free Version Upgrade: Upgrading the free version to credits, where all features are free but require an upgrade once credits are exhausted.


- Affinity Mapping: Conducted to identify common user issues and themes.

- Qualitative Research: Utilized interviews, usability testing, focus groups, problem tree analysis, and surveys.

- Lean UX: Employed lean UX methodologies.

- Empathy Mapping: Developed empathy maps to understand user pain points.

Personas/Story Boarding

User Personas:

  - Manne T., Student: Frustrated with document recovery issues.
  - Adonna O., Programmer: Seeks accuracy in correction notifications.

Customer Journey Mapping
- Brainstorming: Generated ideas for improvements.
- Competitive Analysis: Studied competitors like ProWritingAid, Linguix Grammar Checker, Textio, and Unicheck.

Scope of Work

  - Discover: May 29th, 2022
  - Define: May 31st, 2022
  - Ideate: June 1st, 2022
  - Design: June 5th, 2022
  - Test: July 12th, 2022

Design Stages

- Flowchart/User Flow: Created user flows for various tasks.
- Low Fidelity: Developed low-fidelity prototypes.
- High Fidelity: Designed high-fidelity prototypes.
- Prototype: Created a functional prototype.

- Metrics: Evaluated time per task, task completion rate, success rate, conversion rate, user acquisition, and retention rate.


The Grammarly website redesign project addressed key user frustrations and improved the overall user experience. By implementing solutions such as document recovery, color vision deficiency considerations, multi-language support, and enhanced features, Grammarly aims to provide a more inclusive and effective grammar assistance tool for a diverse user base. This redesign aligns with Grammarly's mission to empower users to communicate effectively and confidently.



