Philipp Ruiz Lozanos profil

PALETA FEST 2022 - Project Development

The Paleta Fest 2022 was an initiative created by the team of Revista Paleta Colombia. The purpose of the project was to reunite cool art from talented Latin American artist around the world, in a VR generated space, conceived as an art gallery. With the help of Youtube Events and Artsteps, the first edition was developed and launched in May, 2022, including a free call for artist to participate with their artwork. We were a little nervous at the beginning, because we thought nobody was going to join the event. Fortunately, some people did, and that was a happy moment for the team. We learned a lot from the process of establishing the main idea, to the planning stage and finally to the execution, that was a whole challenge. It's highly possible a brand-new version of the event will be happening in 2023 or 2024.
Rough Reference board
As a team, we always wanted to create spaces for artist to broadcast their artwork with fewer limitations than a physical space, like a established art gallery, for example. With the help of social media tools we decided to try and reach with our project more people from all Latin America, then things like NFT art, the metaverse and the recent pandemic happened. We tried to think about the advantages that it could have, even though the third one was a serious public health problem. Since a lot of people were working/studying from home and the access to internet is way more possible that going to a physical place (in 75% percent of the cases in Occidental countries), we came to the idea of creating a virtual reality generated space where artist could show their art easily and exposing it to a wider audience. It was hard to find a hi quality platform that let us create a 3d space where it’d be possible to put 2d and 3d assets such as pictures, 3d objects, videos and sound players, for free. We end up choosing Artsteps, because it has all those features and doesn’t look bad at all. We reunited references from other similar initiatives and extracted some elements from them in order to give the event a solid structure. It was a challenge mainly because we didn’t get money for doing, and Revista Paleta is not our main job, so we don’t make a living from it. We also have our day jobs and personal compromises, so to dedicate time to this subproject was pretty difficult. Also, we struggled a little bit with the functional aspect of the platform once the exhibition was launched, from the viewer perspective. The inscriptions were open since May 1st to May the 18th, they participated 13 artists from Chile, Mexico, Colombia, with 39 art pieces. The actual exhibition was launched on August the 1st and was closed on August the 7th. After that, we streamed live online interviews talking with some of the participants about what inspired their art and other related things with the concept behind each piece.
We chose this font family because of the clarity it offers when being visualized from large distances, even when all the content in which it was used, was shared through screens. We wanted something easy to read and solid. Barlow has been our main font for a long time, and we’re planning to incorporate it in our brand identity as a go-to font for general purposes.
We also chose Nexa as an alternative option of Barlow, for some little text blocks that required a less tall letterbox but a similar general weight and kerning.
Promo videos for social media
Made to advice people that we would be launching something pretty soon.
Written content translated to english: -"Soon, it comes an event organized by, Paleta Magazine."
Pieces to open the call to artists:
1 second long videos showing a static piece, to increase the follower retention, and stimulate the Instagram algorythm to give us an increased (+900%) organic exposure on the platform.
2 pieces carrousel to announce the name of every selected artist, band or collective, able to participate in the exhibition.
5 countdown 1 second long videos, showing static pieces, for the 5 days before the actual event launching.
5 countdown semi-animated videos, for the 5 days before the actual event launching.
Promotional video to announce the launching of the event.



PALETA FEST 2022 - Project Development

PALETA FEST 2022 - Project Development
