Boulon d’Amour Coffee started as a blank slate. This hip and trendy woman-owned boutique coffee cafe specializes in GREAT coffee and GOOD vibes. It opened as a local hole in the wall coffee bar in Downtown LA with little to no exposure, unless you are a true local, and without any identity or branding besides a certain hue of pink. Known for its signature drinks like “The Mean Girl”, “The Money Maker” and “The Gold Digger”, Boulon d'Amour Coffee quickly became a success that now has a full-time following.
Boulon d’Amour -
Translated from the French phrase, meaning
“bolt of love”’s the perfect place to chill, study and socialize.
It’s all about the IMAGE...
From the insta-grammable floral wall, to their pink British phone booth or the vintage pink VW bug clad in a plethora of pink flowers, Boulon is a great place for coffee concoctions and a selfie. This little shop is all decked out in pink and vintage decor with several fun places to take pictures inside and out. Their branding also transitioned into a great lineup of apparel, packaging and high end drink ware including customized ceramic cups and saucers…all decked out in Boulon pink.
Boulon quickly became a hot spot for all who enjoy an excellent cup of joe and something hand crafted to munch on. In no time we teamed up with a well known mural artist who was able to paint the now famous “floral wall” in the heart of Adams-Normandie area of Downtown LA. We were able to take digital photos of the wall and recreate a vector-based version in Adobe Illustrator so that the design could be scalable for nearly all our branding, from retail boxes to exterior signage, to outside kiosks in a mall or shopping center.
Once the first Boulon was open, it became an immediate success, even amidst a pandemic this coffee boutique worked hard to establish the brand, eventually opening two more locations at premium high end shopping centers in SoCal. The next challenge to was keep the branding cohesive even though the building styles were completely different. Architectural renderings were made to show placement of graphics on the exterior so that both tenant and landlord were aware of where Boulon's signage would go, lighted backlit graphics and placement of the logo for each elevation view.
The owner then wanted to establish an 8.4 ounce canned beverage based on their signature chai, matcha and espresso drinks. The goal was to capture the essence of each flavor concoction by using each drinks unique color palette in a sexy yet sustainable aluminum container.
Boulon Coffee


Boulon Coffee
