Profil użytkownika „Nuurin Aulia”

Kalinda and the Weavings of Flames

Book Cover Illustration :
Kalinda and the Weavings of Flames
Genres  : Fantasy
Format : Novel
Target   : Young reader age 12-15
Creator : Nuurin Aulia

Kalinda and the Weavings of Flames is a book cover personal portfolio. This project is about a young girl named Kalinda who is a weaver in her village specialized in weaving flames into fabric that can never be damaged. These weavings can only be used in sacred ceremonials only. Until one day, someone stole it from the village’s temple to be worn for worst.
1. Creating progress : Early sketch
This is the earliest sketch I made. During the progress some improvisation are done.
2. Creating Progress : A Time-lapse Video
A shortened progress from sketch to finished design.
3. Finished Design
Here’s how it would look like when applied to printed media
Mockup template belongs to it’s respective owner
Thank You!
See more of my works here.
Should you be interested in collaborating with me please DM or email me at: 
Kalinda and the Weavings of Flames


Kalinda and the Weavings of Flames

