Profil appartenant à Thiago Dias

Emigre Magazine Catalogue

The Emigre Magazine Catalogue was developed as part of the Esdi (School of Industrial Design in Rio de Janeiro) library magazine catalogue project – which consisted in a series of catalogues, each one about a different magazine which can be found at the University library.
This catalogue is a brief publication on many aspects of Emigré Magazine and where to find it at the library.
!!!! There are errors/bugs happening with the Issuu vizualization – some decorative on top of some pages are being substituted without any reason – and they are essencial part of this publication! I'm trying to fix it as fast as I can (meanwhile, you can check the correct version of the magazine in its printed version on top of this page. Thanks!
Catalogue designed and developed by Clara Juliano and Thiago Dias for Visual Programming I class.
Emigre Magazine Catalogue
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Emigre Magazine Catalogue

Catalogue on many aspects of Emigre Magazine

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