The Husky an Excellent Dog Breed But Why do huskies talk so much

If you are looking for a pet dog for your family and are not sure which breed to choose, here is some information about the Siberian Husky for you. Some of this information is from the American Kennel Club and some from my personal experience. We have owned 4 huskies over the last 20 years and have found them to be amazing dogs. I would highly recommend the Siberian Husky as an excellent medium breed dog. Our current husky is Meisha, she is about 5 years old and is a great companion to my husband and my lap dog. He has a great character and my grandchildren love to play with him.
The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized, thick-coated working dog. Native to northeastern Siberia, they were bred to transport heavy loads over long distances through snowy and harsh conditions. They were then introduced to Alaska during the gold rush and later spread to Canada and the lower United States. Why do huskies talk so much? Husky quickly gained the status of a family favorite thanks to its extraordinary nature and character.
Male Siberian Huskies weigh between 50 and 75 pounds and females between 35 and 60 pounds and are about 20 to 23 inches tall. Their coat is thicker than most dogs and consists of two layers. The first layer is a thick undercoat and the second layer is a longer top layer with short, straight hair. This double coat protects them from the harsh Arctic winters and reflects heat in the summer. Colors range from black to white to brown/red. Their thick coat requires weekly grooming and if they are in shedding season I would recommend brushing them with a soft wire brush daily or so to get the undercoat done.
The American Kennel Club describes a husky's eyes as almond-shaped and can be ice blue, dark blue, yellow, or brown. Some Huskies may have one or both partially colored eyes, or one brown eye and one blue eye. All of these eye color combinations are considered acceptable by the AKC. Meisha's eyes are ice blue and people often comment on her "beautiful eyes. Blue-eyed dogs are "more photosensitive" than others, just as blue eyes are generally more photosensitive in humans.
Huskies usually have 6-8 puppies in a litter and live about 12-15 years. DNA analysis confirmed that this is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. The name "Husky" comes from the nickname "Eski" once used for Eskimo dogs. Huskies are territorial and will challenge other dogs they belong to, but are not overly aggressive with them, but rather let them know who's boss. Huskies tend to roam. They are "hunters" and will go hunting. The best way to prevent your Husky from escaping is to have friends around the house. Huskies or other dogs of the same size or larger breed are their best "friends". They tend to hunt dogs smaller than themselves. They make friends easily and all my huskies like to ride, in the car, truck, side by side, etc. Females tend to run around less often but are still playmates in the house or a large fenced area is ideal for them to give them plenty of room to run and play and still not be able to walk around.
Husky is a very intelligent dog and learns quickly. In my experience, they are highly trained at home and prefer to "go" outside. They don't tend to jump on people, which is good when you have kids. They love children very much and are very patient with them. Huskies get bored easily and need toys or friends to keep them busy. When bored, they like to dig or wander.
Why do huskies talk so much? Huskies bark, but they will "talk" to you. They make a howling sound when they want your attention. They actually speak to you in their own language. My grandchildren love it when Meisha talks to us. I'm always asked what he's saying like I totally know, but I can guess. Huskies are not aggressive towards strangers, but strangers usually don't get out of the car without us because huskies really do look like wolves. Kids usually call my dog ​​"wolf dog".



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