There is a saying that you should not tell your date or your reader that you are sleepless. Because they would look for another meaning in it. I lied: there is not such a saying. I am just sleepless and for now please do not look for another meaning in it. 
I arrive at Hamburg's winding station at night. I passed by the junkies and drunks nearby and arrived at my final destination. With tired eyes, I take a small glance at the city: it is modern: smells of urine and vomit, dark and alluring 
     Oh god. It was cold. I can still feel it. Someone should tell God, we are in August. I have to spend two days here. I will meet someone who will help me to find the friend I lost many years ago. To be honest, I have no hope. I am sleepless and I only expect that this voyage will help me to put a burden on my tiring eyes.
I did not sleep well last night. It is early in the morning. The sky is heavy and there is wind. With the hurry of their 9-5 job commuters I buy coffee from a shop. I am listening to Chet Baker, ‘Almost Blue’. The voice of giving up… I accompany it by repeating that “I would not give up, I would not… Yet, the calmness in his voice captivate me. Everything is almost blue
I am looking at you Hamburg. 
With veritically and horizontally alined bulidings 
You are tremendous 
Yet, wherever I look, I see the black ruins of my life
My soul and my mind moulder in this place

   Before visiting Hamburg, I had only a little knowledge of the city. I have watched Fatih Akın's movie 'Im juli". I expected to be welcomed by warm colors of Hamburg and love. Unfortunelty, I'm pretty tired for a love affair and Hamburg does not help at all. 
   As a relief to the past, I took a picture of a couple, staring at the city folating over Elbe. Hope you find your love there 
   By the way, I am still sleepless and desperate

                                                           GOOD BYE
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