A personal RPG game concept still in development. These are conceptual pieces which were more honest explorations of moods and idea of settings. 

The narrative outline for Pangea is a “Reverse Atlantis” scenario where the Gods of the Sea grew jealous of the Land-Dweller’s supercontinent and initiated an attempt to end the world.
The attempt was only half-successful – splitting the world apart into what we know it to be with various countries and nations which would slowly sink over the next thousands of years, leaving mythical beast and human alike to re-establish their tribes and cities.

Humans travel mostly by plane, the risk of going on sea too great with the underwater threat: the protagonist is pursued by pirates in the air, is shot down and rescued by a dragon on the brink of death.

The Atlantians pursue their Armageddon for a second time in the present, kidnapping the Elders of great tribes to use in their summoning ritual to sink the rest of the world.

The protagonist, Aeron, will join the fight as land and sea clash, and rescue the kidnapped Dragon Elder who saved him.

Thumbnail sketches exploring the beauty of waterways, foliage and light, the inspiration behind the world's setting that of chaotic beauty. 
The Sinking Forest
While the sinking world is tragic, there is a calm sort of beauty in the meeting of the land and sea. This sinking forest is only one of many, as most of the land has already been lost to the water over thousands of years - yet has not been destroyed by the water - but preserved.
Cliffside City
Open skies and seas characterize the world, where mountain tops have now become dwelling places for men, who travel by the sky on the backs of dragons or risk sailing on waters ruled by Leviathan: the tyrant and antagonist of Pangea.
The Dragon's Cave
Crystals imbued with protective magic surround the pathway on the side of the dormant volcano. A dragon’s-eye-view overlooking the entrance of the hidden village of the Draconians where Aeron’s plane crashed.
The Atlantian Castle
The castle in a giant Conch shell, home to Leviathan and his council, ultimately his home. Tyrant as he is, he has an appreciation for beauty - that said, I was rethinking this particular concept since beauty could just as well appear sinister and this does not. 
Mermaid Cove
The full moon draws dangerously high tides, and yet even with the destruction of land, beautiful hideaways still thrive; while not all those from the sea wish to serve their dictator but partake of land and walk among man.
Thumbnail sketches exploring silhoettes and costuming ideas for the Phoenix elder, one of the elders required in the summoning ritual. 
Edited the skirt to make sense. 
PANGEA | Concept Art

PANGEA | Concept Art

Concept art from a game concept of my own creation.
