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Allintitle Keyword Research

WriterZen - Allintitle Keyword Research— How to Determine Keyword Competition at a Glance
If all it took to win battles were military forces, Sun Tzu, author of “The Art of War,” won’t be regarded as one of the world’s greatest military strategists.
But centuries after his demise, this Chinese general is still revered. 
Because he knew going to war with brawns and no brains is a recipe for failure. Tzu’s best-seller captured how crucial it is to know your enemy, plan, and apply wit on the battlefield.
An evergreen portion of his book went:
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
These principles go beyond military battles. They also apply to other competitive sectors, including content marketing.
For instance, replace the word “enemy” with “competition” and re-read the quote above. Notice how it applies to you and other content managers trying to rank highest on Google?
In the world of SEO, the battle is for organic traffic.
And the watchword is:
Let the best content rank.
To win, you need quality content optimized for specific keywords.
But if you only focus on creating high-quality content without knowing your competitors and what it takes to outrank them, you’ll be fighting a lost battle.
Now the question is: How do you determine keyword competition?
Simply typing a keyword into Google’s search box won’t tell you how many competitors are directly vying for that keyword.
Neither will the search results your keyword research tool shows you.
Your best bet? 
A Google search operator called Allintitle.
At a glance, it shows you how many websites are competing for a specific keyword by including it in their title tags.
Since you’re still here, we assume you’re bent on leveraging allintitle keyword research to arm yourself in your quest to rank higher.
If our assumption is correct, you’re in the right place.
This guide will walk you through everything about allintitle keyword research. Also, you’ll see how to determine a keyword’s allintitle and other insights using WriterZen, a simplified content workflow software.
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Allintitle Keyword Research

Allintitle Keyword Research
