Muhammad Alif nurza 的個人檔案

A.M Cassadre's Posters Response

This is the first project for Monocademy an Internship program by Monoponik, a graphic-narrative design studio based in Bandung, West Java.

In this post I made two posters, that inspired by A.M Cassandre. The first one is an artwork about Jam Gadang, a clock monument building at Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. Jam Gadang is a monument wich is a gift from Queen Wilhelmia to the city controleur during the Dutch colonial era. This poster representing my hometown West Sumatra in the movement to fought from the Colonialism and occupation at that time, this artwork poster inspired by A.M Cassandre in his style at Art Deco and Cubism. 

The second one is an infographic for A.M Cassandre Biography, by putting some elements from his various artworks, like "L'ATLANTIQUE"and a theatre curtain representing his work on theatre design. For the headline i customize a typeface to make it look a like the Cassandre's type design "Le Bifur".

Jam Gadang in different apex. Under the Dutch Colonialism 1932, under the Japanese occupation 1948, and 1953 until the present form, with the Minangkabau traditional roofs, also known Rumah Gadang. The poster insipred by A.M Cassandre's style on cubism.
Some of Cassandre's works
Adolph Jean Marie Mouron Cassandre, also known as Cassandre, was an Ukraine-France Painter, commercial artist, Poster, Typeface, and Theatre designer of the twentieth century. He is born in Kharkiv, Ukraine to French parents. At his young age, he moved to Paris and studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts and the Academie Julian. Almost of his work are Cubism and Surrealism, he also design some typefaces such as “Le Bifur”. At his old age, his life didn’t going well that causing depression and he ended up his life at 1968.
A.M Cassadre's Posters Response

A.M Cassadre's Posters Response

