In addition to designing the control room itself, the control room also required the design of custom consoles that could be operated in both a sitting and standing postion in order to reduce operator fatigue.  The frosted panels behind the banks of monitors are attached to the worktops, allowing them to rise and descend with the movement of the worktops in order to obscure the back of the monitors and hide any clutter.  Each operator has control of the lighting in the acoustical clouds above them, with the ability to adjust lighting levels to their preference.
On the main feature wall of the control room is an abstract map of the world.  A LED light array slowly washes across the face of the map in real time - the brightest light occurs at whatever part of the world is at midday.  Conceptually, this gives the operators a sense of time passing outside, to make up for the fact that windows were prohibited in the space due to security concerns.  
The supervisors office has a view across the entire control room, making it easier to communicate if an emergency should arise. The supervisors also have control of the ambient light levels in the room.
Pipeline Control Room
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Pipeline Control Room

The Pipeline Control Center is responsible for all of ConocoPhillips’ resources. Because of the high-stress environment, the comfort of the users Daha Fazla Bilgi

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