Elia Diaz 的個人檔案

A symbiotic discordance

My name is Èlia Diaz and I present to you my graduate collection;

The collection's name is A symbiotic discordance,
It is a 4 look mini collection. 
This project is inspired by a very personal matter to me; emotion. 
According to my analysis, I’ve taken inspiration from the past, present, and what the future would look like. 
The past is situated on a period of difficulty in Spain, more precisely during the 1940s (thanks to what my grandmother taught me about it) 
Going through what the present looks like, where Technology is slowly taking over; Robotics, media... inspired by the impact it has on how people verbally and physically communicate. 
Finally giving me the freedom to imagine and express a hypothetical future located approximately from 2050 to 2070.
It is a very conceptual-driven project, throughout the collection you see holes, these are a direct reference to emojis, which take big importance in my concept. 
The silhouettes are all cutting in the waist, trying to follow a ‘’1940s’’ typical look.
There is also a feeling of tightness but with a touch of looseness in it that represents perfectly the duality between this parallel future and human nature.
I’ve tried to work with a colored palette to contrast the sadness inside the concept, it is unexpected just like what will come and where we'll go. 
The collection works with sort of natural fabrics and fibers, I tried to follow the overall concept of what the future will look like not just for the human brain, but also for society. Leads us towards somewhere where nature will be much more valued due to the takeover of plastic and other damaging substances. 
Leather also represents the strength social media has to make us entirely pending on it. The changing forms and the multipositional purses and accessories are my way of expressing change but with strong material and very characteristic.
Pleads work as a parallel representation of the Spanish ruffles.
3D printing is a way of communicating the future and giving a futuristic take, it is something growing inside our everyday lives and that will continue due as we evolve. 

I have taken this chance to express my feelings and thoughts about society and human behavior, as well as grow my imagination and make my representation of it real. 
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 
A symbiotic discordance


A symbiotic discordance

