A Solar Term is any of 24 points in traditional East Asian lunisolar calendars that matches a particular astronomical event or signifies some natural phenomenon. These solar terms have meaningful titles, Some of them reflect the change of seasons, some embody the phenomena of climate, and some indicate the change of climate. I create this series illustration to visualize these meaningful titles and the background stories behind them.
 立春 (Li Chun) Spring Begins  The beginning of spring
雨水 (Yu Shui) The Rain  There is an increase of rainfall from then on
惊蛰 (JingZhe) Awakening of Insects  Thunder begins and hibernating insects wake up
春分 (Chun Fen) Vernal Equinox  With an equal length of day and night
清明 (Qing Ming) Clear and Bright  It is clear and bright, and it is time for tending graves
谷雨 (Gu Yu) Grain Rain  Rainfall is helpful to grain, and the early crops show their shoots. 
立夏 (Li Xia)Summer Begins  The beginning of summer 
小满 (Xiao Man) Grain Full  The seeds of summer crops begin to become plump, but are not yet ripe
芒种 (Mang Zhong) Grain in Ear  The wheat becomes ripe; and the summer planting starts

夏至 (Xia Zhi) Summer Solstice  The daytime is the longest and the nighttime is the shortest of the year
小暑 (Xiao Shu) Lesser Heat  Torridity comes
大暑 (Da Shu) Great Heat  The hottest moment of a year
立秋 (Li Qiu)Start of Autumn  Autumn begins
处暑 (Chu Shu) Limit of Heat  Heat hides, every family place lights on the flowing river,lay offerings on the table or altar, and offer sacrifices to their ancestors
白露  (Bai Lu) White Dew   Condensed moisture makes dew white

秋分 (Qiu Fen) Autumnal Equinox  With an equal length of day and night

寒露 (Han Lu) Cold Dew  The weather becomes cold enough to reach dew point, but not cold enough to reach frost point
霜降 (Shuang Jiang) Hoar-frost Falls   The weather becomes cold and frost begins to form
立冬 (Li Dong) Start of Winter  Winter begins,all the animals are ready to hide and start winter sleep
小雪 (Xiao Xue) Minor Snow  Snow begins to fall, the weather becomes cold
大雪 (Da Xue) major snow  It snows heavily for the first time in the year
冬至 (Dong Zhi) Winter Solstice  The daytime is the shortest and the night time is the longest of the year,the opposite of the Southern Hemisphere
小寒 (Xiao Han) Slight Cold   It is rather cold
大寒 (Da Han) Great Cold  The coldest moment of a year
The 24 Solar Terms

The 24 Solar Terms

A solar term is any of 24 points in traditional East Asian lunisolar calendars that matches a particular astronomical event or signifies some nat Læs mere


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