The occasion of Eid al-Fitr is considered an opportunity for family gathering and celebration. In this context, families are creative in preparing and processing kahk, but on the other hand
Sana Hassan, a woman in her mid-sixties, who earns her living by preparing baked goods and selling them in her surroundings. Preparing kahk for Eid al-Fitr is an annual tradition for Sanaa and her family, and she sees this occasion as an opportunity
Before the end of the holy month of Ramadan, Sanaa Hassan and her family begin the process of preparing the kahk. Children and grandchildren join Sanaa in the process, helping to shape the kahk and decorate it with nuts and sesame. Sanaa relies on organizing and distributing tasks among family members to ensure the process is smooth and quick.
Sana Hassan with Eid alfitr
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Sana Hassan with Eid alfitr

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