Explore through the community or all over the web
Add interesting contents on your library
Edit your board with your selected contents, and link them with some simple tools.
Follow other people with similar interests to find some fresh and new things.
Watch how the research works.
Discover how we conceived a really user-friendly navigation
Watch how it's simple to edit your board, and all you can do with our app.
Openboard is a diploma project (Interactive Digital Media Design and Development) made at Gobelins in 2012. The team was composed by three designers: Elodie Fabbri, Marianne Nicolas & myself, and two developers: Antoine Lehurt & Sylvain Lorinet.
We made everything from its conception to a working prototype, including the teaser realisation.
Discover more about the project and feel free to appreciate it if you like this work.


Openboard is a Webapp which allows the users to find, organize and share informations from your own point of view with a community.
