Profiel van Aashna Parikh

Indianised packaging for Victoria's Secret

This is a college project conducted at the foundation level. The brief was to pick a brand and an art style and amalgamate the two into creating a commucination related subject. In this case the brand is Victoria's Secret and the art form is Madhubani. A form was selected from the art form and on the basis of it a prototype of packaging for small scale products was created.
Process of simplifying a complex Madhubani artwork into a simple form to be taken forward
Material Exploration - Copper wire
Newspaper pipes
Fnal prototype of a two piece packaging made for small scale products, using the form selected from the madhubani artwork.
Indianised packaging for Victoria's Secret

Indianised packaging for Victoria's Secret

A prototype design of packaging for Victoria's Secret, using a form derived from the indian art form- Madhubani.
