Vu Anh's profile

Memo (pixel game art)

MEMO is a story puzzle game genre. No horror or action elements, suitable for all players. Pixel game.

Players will be immersed in the character and will have to explore the forest, find clues and puzzles to pass the levels. Each level has a story and each story has a connection with each other. Players must pay attention to each character's statement or clues because each thing contains a hint to solve a puzzle or a mystery later.
Design process

Design Thinking is an iterative process in which we seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding. At the same time, Design Thinking provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It is a way of thinking and working as well as a collection of hands-on methods.

Observe and interact with users to discover their needs and time playing a mobile game. Put yourself in the position of users to better understand their desires and expectations, while also figuring out the limitations of a mobile puzzle game

Identify the factors that affect the user experience of previous titles of the same topic such as plot, logic or gameplay system,...

From the information gathered when researching, the experience when putting yourself in the position of users, the idea of a puzzle game with a tight plot, easy to access, promoting logic but not causing too much stress for players

Start drawing ideas, designing for levels and gameplay systems. Put it all on the wireframe system to figure out how the game will show up

Let users experience the demo see their reaction to the game. Collect their feedback, thereby going back to each step of the design process to reframe based on user feedback

Pre define-game

ideal player type
Memo is a type of role-playing, puzzle and adventure game. Game helps users have a memorable experience when going through a mysterious story from the perspective of the main character through character control and puzzles, to find out the true truth of the game story.
Players can enjoy the game with peace, lightness in the forest along with soft, relaxing and nostalgic music. Behind those gentleness is hidden the extremely deep stories of each character, the story of the beautiful forest as well as the heart of all things inside it.
In addition to the plot, players who like challenges can enjoy the gameplay with puzzles, great achievements and help stimulate thinking, imagination, creativity through puzzles in the game.

The story follows a ghost of unknown origin, searching for lost memories. He wants to know why he is here - in this forest and what is the purpose of his existence, what is still holding him back... On his journey to find the truth, he meets new friends. ,they are like you, with no memory, no awareness of their existence. Then he and those friends went to find out the causes, problems, and mysteries lying inside the forest. Each of them has a story, a heart of its own, but those stories are interconnected. It is like the puzzle pieces scattered throughout the forest, forcing us to search to put the pieces together into a whole picture - a picture that tells the story of the forest and the creatures that live there.

art concept

Context: Modern times
3rd person game from top to bottom
Environment: Rotating around the forest
Character design: drawn in pixel graphics, cute and friendly for all ages. Each character has its own personality and color.
Characters will be taken as animals, anthropomorphized with emotions and talk like humans.
game art
Pixel art is a form of digital art in which images are created and edited at the pixel level using graphic editing software. What defines pixel art is its unique visual style, where individual pixels act as the building blocks that make up the image. Pixel Art is an art form that feels nostalgic and makes a difference in design publications, especially extremely popular in game design.
Pixel art makes it easy to see, close and friendly to all players. Most of today's indie games also often use this style for a reason that is easy to shape and color, simple but still has the characteristics of the game.
Memo (pixel game art)

Memo (pixel game art)
