Brace for impact with ITAS

ITAS Mutua is not just an insurance company.
It is a mutual insurance company, as such, it is not for profit.
This means that the company's earnings are reinvested in projects in favor of its community and territory. The protection of the common good, the generation of social value and the search for sustainability—that is not only economic—are the objectives that guide the work of ITAS since its foundation in 1821.

The concept of sustainability is becoming more central every day, especially in the business world.
We often hear about SDGs, Agenda 2030, sustainable finance, circular economy, performance measurement and the impacts generated from different industries. Are we sure, however, that this language is understandable to non-experts?

This is the question we asked ourselves, together with ITAS Mutua.
And the answer was immediate: there is a need to make these concepts accessible to people who are not part of this world, showing what it means to be sustainable in a clear and accessible way.


The site dedicated to the ITAS Mutua Sustainability Report took shape from the need to make this information usable. A digital story, which describes the company's commitment to individuals and communities through their activities, projects and results achieved in the economic, social and environmental fields.

We followed the project from the brief to the go live date, focusing on branding, design & development. In particular, we showcased the numbers and figures of ITAS's commitment through an interactive narrative, made up of data, animated infographics and easily interpretable representations. The site is structured in 5 sections—Group Governance, Products and Investments, People and Network, Community and Insured Members, and Respect for the Environment—which dynamically trace the objectives and actions taken by the company in favor of both the community and environment in the course of 2021: from attention to the people who work in ITAS to responsible investment policies, passing through the energy requalification of the company's buildings and its green mobility.

Brace for impact with ITAS