Back in 2020, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. The virus transformed nearly every aspect of our lives overnight. The norm became an anomaly while the abnormality became normal. Ways of life changed, workplaces reshaped and businesses adapted. Many had to experience isolation and quarantine for the first time. Work from home and zoom meetings became mundane and businesses shifted digitally. For some, 
this pandemic was a reset button while for others it was a critical blow. 

In trying times like this, the resilience and tenacity of our Singapore spirit are tested. We have weathered many challenges together as one people, regardless of our differences. This will not be different. By staying united, and working together, we will overcome this as one nation.
Let us take care of and support one another; remain positive and appreciate the people who are keeping us safe.

5 key pillars
Care: Take care of your personal hygiene, to keep yourself & those around you healthy
 – Wash your hands frequently with soap. Wear a mask if you have a cough or cold. See a doctor if you're feeling sick; avoid going to crowded places if unwell. Defer travel to affected areas.

Reassure: Reassure & take care of one another
  – Share tips on staying healthy with others, especially those not familiar with digital channels or major languages (e.g. elderly). Stay updated through the official website. Lend a hand to the vulnerable and the elderly.

Appreciate: Appreciate those working hard to keep us safe
  – Show thanks to doctors, nurses, airport workers, transport staff, and other frontline staff. Share a smile, encouraging words, notes, and small tokens (e.g. a drink or snacks). Don’t make them feel unwelcome (e.g. in MRT, bus).

Speak Up: Speak up for hope and care and stand against the needlessly negative
  – Do not shun them, or ask that they be moved away. Check-in with them on their well-being. Help them if they need assistance 
(e.g. delivering food).

Support: Support neighbours on home quarantine and co-workers on leave of absence
  – Explain that rumours are harmful; don’t share information that you are not sure about, or is unhelpful. Highlight the good things we are all doing as a society. Remind others we can get through this by standing united.

Style frames

Character development and storyboard
SF6 – SF10

Voice-over script


