Perfil de Christian Ochoa

Luxury USA Cleaning

- Brand Identity Design
- Messaging
- Website Design
- Website Development
6 weeks

Luxury USA Cleaning is a cleaning company located in Miami, FL. Like most small businesses, they started providing services without thinking about their visual identity or marketing message.
With hard work, Luxury got clients and earned money to invest in their marketing. They knew that in order to keep growing they had to create a logo and a website that looks professional so they can attract new clients and build trust with current ones.

The Problem

Luxury USA Cleaning was providing services to different clients: small properties, big condos, homes, and apartments. They were struggling to position their brand and they were getting business from different types of clients.

When we started to work on their website, we discovered that it was very important to define a specific audience for them. We didn’t want to be the cleaning service provider for anyone, we wanted to serve property managers who are dissatisfied with their current cleaning provider.
This decision helped us to shape Luxury’s brand identity and marketing message to attract property managers in Miami.

Brand Identity

Luxury USA Cleaning wanted to create a symbol that could be applied to different marketing collateral pieces. That’s why we created a combination mark where the symbol can work with or without the name of the company. This allowed us to position their symbol in multiple places like their business cards, uniforms, and their van. A strong visual identity allows a brand to be recognizable through its logo, colors, fonts, and images.

We analyzed Luxury’s competition and we discovered that most cleaning companies use blue, green, and yellow as their main colors. So when they use those colors together, they create a very noisy identity. We wanted to avoid that by using a simple color palette including cyan, brown, black, white, and different shades of grey.

Cyan is a relaxing and inspiring color that evokes images of crystal waters and is usually associated with liveliness, tranquility, youth, and energy. It is made of green and blue and represents rationality and cleanliness.

The word Luxury is associated with comfort, pleasure, and high quality. That’s why we selected Minerva Modern as the main font for their logo and their headings. Then, we were looking for a modern sans serif font to balance it so we used Proxima Nova for their paragraphs and long texts.

Images were very important for Luxury. We used real photos of apartments, lobbies, and offices from some of their clients combined with lifestyle images of happy families where we can convey the personality of the brand and communicate pleasure, happiness, and safety. All those attributes are a result of living in a clean environment.

The Luxury symbol represents the glasses of a building. The corners are rounded and soft to communicate detail and elegance. Also, we created a set of icons to communicate to prospective clients how they can start doing business with Luxury. These icons were used for their website, brochures, and different marketing collateral pieces.

Before building Luxury’s website, we defined their marketing message. Using the StoryBrand Framework, we created a compelling message written specifically to attract their ideal clients. Then, we applied the 7 storytelling principles to create a wireframe. This wireframe helped us visualize where the text and images would be placed before starting the design process.

We created Luxury’s website to help them acquire new clients. Most local businesses rely on Google business profiles or Yelp to get potential customers, but Luxury’s clients are different. We designed and developed a website to attract property managers in Miami and we did it by combining a beautiful visual identity with a compelling marketing message.

Thanks for Watching!
Designed by Ochoa Brands
Discover the potential of your brand.
Luxury USA Cleaning


Luxury USA Cleaning
