Sensai Branding (2022)


Sensai is a branding project by KOBU Agency for the luxury hospitality brand Anantara.
Sensai is a fusion of modern Asian cuisine with the freshness of Portuguese ingredients. An exquisite place where you can savour unique classics from China, Japan, India and Thailand and indulge in the most extensive selection of sushi in the Algarve prepared by Chef Fábio Terada.

"Este lugar amou perdidamente 
Quem o cabo rondou do extremo Sul 
E a costa indo seguindo para Oriente 
Viu as ilhas azuis do mar azul 
Viu pérolas safiras e corais 
E a grande noite parada e transparente 
Viu cidades nações viu passar gente 
De leve passo e gestos musicais 
Perfumes e tempero descobriu 
E danças moduladas por vestidos 
Sedosos flutuantes e compridos 
E outro nasceu de tudo quanto viu" 

1988, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Excerpt from a renowned poem, honoring the Portuguese maritime expeditions to the East

Creative Direction Vanda Pereira 
Art Direction Vanda Pereira 
Graphic Design Catarina Marques, Marina Ferrari
Illustration Artist Marina Ferrari
Photography Brígida Guerreiro, James McCowan
Motion Design Pedro Santos, James McCowan
Models Brígida Guerreiro, Catarina Marques

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Sensai Branding (2022)

Sensai Branding (2022)

Sensai is a branding project by KOBU Agency for the luxury hospitality brand Anantara. Sensai is a fusion of modern Asian cuisine with the fresh Rozwiń
