Perfil de Bryant Nichols

Coloso: Future Fashion w/ Marvelous Designer and C4D

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Coloso: Future Fashion w/ Marvelous Designer and Cinema4D

21 Part Course on with ColosoUS 2021. Marvelous Designer/DAZStudio/C4D/Redshift

Hello! My name is Bryant Nichols, currently Design Director at Future Deluxe LA, a world renowned creative studio focused on innovation for future facing brands.

I've spent years in the industry at world class studios such as ManvsMachine, The Mill, and now Future Deluxe honing my craft, creating 3D imagery for global brands like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Nike.

Creating digital characters and garments is a complex task. When I was learning, I found it difficult to find a comprehensive tutorial detail all the steps needed to create realistic editorial fashion renders. So I've put together this course with Coloso detailing my process, walking you through step by step to create your own Future Fashion vision a reality.

Thanks for supporting my work! Please consider taking my course on Coloso! You can find more of my work on Instagram or on my website:

Thanks for supporting my work! Please consider taking my course on Coloso! You can find more of my work on Instagram or on my website:

Coloso: Future Fashion w/ Marvelous Designer and C4D

Coloso: Future Fashion w/ Marvelous Designer and C4D
