Ashlee Freeman sin profil

College Republicans @UMich

In early 2021, I was brought onto the College Republicans at University of Michigan as a social media manager. However, my role would quickly grow into much more. While digging through the club's old files one day, I noticed their visual assets were rather lacking and outdated--even as the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, they unfortunately hadn't been able to work with many artists in the past.

With that, I initiated a complete overhaul of the brand, and began to take the lead on marketing and advertising efforts.
Poppins, a common Google font, was specifically chosen so that it could be highly accessible to other board members even without design experience or special software.
We have also launched various print campaigns over the years, with full-color posters designed to be easily seen from far away while walking through campus.
It has been a pleasure to work for College Republicans and I look forward to creating future content for the organization.
Official CR slide deck, used for weekly chapter meetings.
College Republicans @UMich


College Republicans @UMich
