Some artists use paint and a canvas, while others use sheets of carbon fiber in a kiln. One destined for the walls of a museum, the other to speed on racetracks around the globe—both art.
The McLaren F1 is the pinnacle of automotive art in our lives, so much so that it has gone from being bought for the experience to being bought as an investment. In the garages of the 1% of the 1%, the McLaren F1 resides as currency. Like its art brethren, it now trades in the values of $20,000,000 or more (the one in these images is on the “more” side of things).
However, removed from the crazy valuations and driving speeds in the realm of lunacy, to me, it is the art that attracts me. The shoulder lines, the three-seat cockpit and even its gold (as in Au) engine contain so much detail to express through images. I am grateful every time I get to step on set with one, and hope you enjoy the images from my most recent shoot.
McLaren F1