Needle felt rat in a boot. I named this piece 'In Limelight We Dine' and was made purely for my love of the Victorian/Edwardian age. I wanted to create a time capsule of a scene, that shows a snapshot into a dark dingy street yet, still marked with some beauty. I thought by adding a gorgeous little classic-shaped boot,  with a dirty street rat climbing in, would juxtapose this idea. I made this by hand, after many glorious failed attempts, but finalised on a material that I chemically treated to give the illusion of leather and polished it all up to a high shine. The cobbled street is made with super Sculpey which was then hand-painted, adding elements of water effects and acrylic paint, giving the illusion of a dirty wet greasy back street. The absinthe bottle at the back is a light,  that gives a coolish green glow across the scene and a push button at the front, that plays out the sounds of this era.
Needle felt rat