Eva Álvarez Senovilla 的个人资料

Proyecto personal: De ti para mí sin saberlo

Here's my favorite hobby. Find it on Amazon!
I am a strong advocate and firm believer that until you experience something firsthand, you have no fucking clue how much it will affect you, let alone how you'll take it or what you'll end up doing. That's why I preach by example: these texts are just a glimpse of the many things no one ever told me, simply because they are things that cannot be explained until you live through them. Experiences, mistakes, thoughts, serendipities, and many things everyone thinks about but no one dares to talk about. It's just my way of thinking and seeing life because that's what this book is really about: life itself. And as such, it's raw and unfiltered.
Consider it a little corner for thinking. For disconnecting. To see that I talk about things that maybe you also have inside, hidden amidst so many feelings (or indifference, to each their own), but they just need a little push to come to light.
Wondering how I got the idea? Well, it was my curiosity instinct (which even my cat has inherited). One day, I started rummaging through old stuff and found a drawer I had never seen before. Turns out, my funny father, before he passed away, had a secret drawer. And inside it, among a thousand little stories he liked to create (comic strips about military service and so on), was a 1993 agenda with texts written by... him! Obviously. These texts became the first 13 chapters of the book you're about to read. It was like a sign. I couldn't leave it like that, as 13 is considered bad luck... So, I played at being a writer, and here we are, with who knows how many more chapters.
I simply have something to share, and that's exactly what I've done. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Kisses <3

Proyecto personal: De ti para mí sin saberlo


Proyecto personal: De ti para mí sin saberlo

