Vittoria Ferri's profile

Follow Me. Asperger syndrome and school orientation

Thesis of Graphic Design and Way Finding at the IUAV University of San Marino
design by: Vittoria Ferri
Follow Me is a thesis project that combines the techniques of graphic design and way finding by creating a path that helps the visual and spatial organization of school environments especially for people with cognitive disabilities (such as Asperger's Syndrome, which is the point starting), but also for able-bodied. Follow Me is made up of signs, indicating the aulee, colored stripes that indentificano the path to follow, a cognitive reinforcement, used to retrieve the relevant information and package containing everything you need.
Il progetto è composto nel dettaglio da colori, tipografia e un sistema unico di pittogrammi, appositamente disegnati.
La scelta tipografica è ricaduta su Proxima Nova, font che rispetta le condizioni poste dalle patologie; la scelta cromatica comprende tonalità forti e contrastate che non si mischino tra loro; i pittogrammi sono stati composti per essere come un codice unico, semplici e immediati, senza caratterizzazione di dettagli.
Follow Me. Asperger syndrome and school orientation

Follow Me. Asperger syndrome and school orientation

Follow Me is a thesis project that combines the techniques of graphic design and way finding by creating a path that helps the visual and spatial Read More
