"Loud noise all day all the time but you don't hear it and then it's silence and it's very loud."
1/1 Edition
12x12 inches
Javascript on canvas
The story behind the art
To put it simply, Acouphène is the french word for Tinnitus. It's a condition that I experience pretty regularly. It's kind of a high pitched humming noise that is easy to ignore when there is ambiant noise around, but can get super annoying when trying to meditate or go to sleep at night.
Creation process
Made with p5.js and the HTML5 Canvas. I created the texture in this piece with semi-random movement of small points. What is creating this interesting texture is the use of perlin noise as the source of the semi-random movement. 

The photocopy aesthetic of the piece is created mostly by using only a monochrome palette and playing with the opacity of all the small points. What it means is that, when it converge on the same movement path, it gives the impression of light printing on paper.
Code Example
Here is an example of the photoprint() function used to move the points around on the canvas


