Profil appartenant à Nicola X Cuppaidge

Scone Equine Group narratives

Scone Equine Group's professional practice has a reputation for being dedicated to their profession, innovative, progressive with technology and their patient care for horses across all athletic disciplines as well as the horse family member.

I was been engaged to direct the brand development and visual communications hierarchy for their growing company.

Together we developed a strategy for showcasing how equine specialists engage throughout a horses life, designed to communicate skills and insights to the life of horses and their owners. The narratives engage budding veterinarians from Australia and other countries, as well as showcase the level of professionalism and practice to the sector. 

A suite of film narratives have been developed for communicating Birth, Rearing, Reproduction, Career and the Scone Equine Group Veterinarians in practice.

Thank you to the team, the dedicated staff at Scone Equine Group and Karl Brandstater and team from Storyhaus.
Scone Equine Group narratives
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Scone Equine Group narratives

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