Michael Reich profili

Website for the Magazin - THE GLOBAL PLAYER

Web Tasarımı
Website for the Magazin
We created the Website for the Magazin THE GLOBAL PLAYER. On the Website you can order the magazin and get some informations about it. The project needed to be done very quickly but in my opinion we created something very interesting in this short time. www.theglobalplayer.com
The Website is coded in HTML5 and completly responsive.
Client: International Football Arena
Company: BTD Group 
Designer: Michael Reich
Web developer: Michael Reich, Alexander Venus
Project manager: Bernd Ingerling
Year: 2013
Website for the Magazin - THE GLOBAL PLAYER
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Website for the Magazin - THE GLOBAL PLAYER

We created the Website for the Magazin THE GLOBAL PLAYER. On the Website you can order the magazin and get some informations about it. The projec Daha Fazla Bilgi

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Kreatif Alanlar